A life long contract with quality
We have always realised the utmost importance of Quality consciousness and Quality assurance as being a solid bedrock of our foundation and have constantly endeavoured to maintain the norms and standards in our day to day work right from the land aquisition stage till the final handing over of the apartments to our respected customers.

To strengthen our resolve to spread our quality consciousness to various other areas like corporate governanace , accounting and safety standards , We officially submitted ourselves to a rigorous and stringent ISO audit starting 2010, April and sussceesfully got accredited to ISO 9001:2008 standards in the month of August 2010 with sincere and dedicated assistance from our eclectic employees. We have successfully undergone all the subsequent audits till date with flying colors which goes to prove that our contract with Quality is a way of life and a never ending process in our Company.
Mr. George Samuel D & Ms. Mispa Rose
Flat No : C-407, S.I.S Queenstown